Thursday, February 28, 2013

Giggles in the doctor's office...


I have to do something to keep us entertained at the doctor's office while we're waiting...

Tonight we had the second of our weekly doctor visits as we are now 1 month from "D-Day" as my dad calls it (well, tomorrow is officially the 9 month mark!)  Tonight, and the last appointment, we were brought into the exam room by a nice, fun lady.  Tonight's exam was not supposed to be entertaining, but she helped us start it on a fun note.  Laura was to be screened for Strep B bacteria...not a fun involves some swabbing...we'll just leave it at that.  We were previewed on the procedure last week, and it definitely didn't sound fun.  So tonight, I misunderstood the lady when she said, "so you're both here for the Strep B test tonight?"  I was like, "BOTH OF US HAVE TO DO THAT?!?!"  Without missing a beat and straight-faced, she replied, "Yep, we check both parents!"  And before my jaw could completely hit the floor, she smiled and said, "Not really, but I think we should have to put the dad's through the same tests that moms have to endure!  Don't you?!" as she looked at my chuckling wife!!!  My response to the lady, "You used to be my favorite!"

After she headed out and our wait for the doctor began, our romantic pre-visit Burger King dinner started gurgling in my stomach.  I wouldn't have been surprised if the whole clinic didn't hear the eruption that came from my chair...and I wouldn't have been surprised if they could'a smelled the thing too!!!!  I know...too much info, but I've found great pleasure in passing our time in the exam rooms by passing gas!!!  I've learned in the past 3 1/2 years that I'm married to the greatest woman on Earth, because she giggles when I fart!  And tonight was no different...with fingers over her nose, she was giggling and snorkeling from across the room as I frantically tried to waft the rotting carcass from around my chair towards her.  She could only mutter, "What if she walks in right now?!?!"  My quick response was, "...honey, I'd blame it on you!"

As for the exam/visit itself...all continues to go well.  I finally remembered to record our baby's heart beat on my iPhone.  I've since texted the audio file to our parents...without the gas explosion!  (Because I have no idea who now reads this blog, please send the grandparents or Laura/myself a text and we'll pass it along to you if you're curious to hear the coolest sound in the world!)  The heart beat is strong and mom is doing well.  The doctor found the baby's head to be in good position...and...and...the dialation has begun!!!  It's not much...only half a centimeter now...the process has slowly started!  She has not efaced (spelling?) or thinned at all (I don't totally know what this means, but apparently "it" thins out by the time baby is ready for her grand entrance!  I asked if this is normal or early to begin dialating a month before the due date.  She responded that it's normal to begin dialating in the 9th month because baby could technically arrive at any time...but she did say this is a bit early...nothing to worry about though, grandmas!!!  ;)  On the drive home, I suggested to Laura that she do her best to rest up and limit her stress, and with any luck, the baby door may start to close on itself!!!  I felt her eyes roll as she was sitting next to me in the car!!!

Finally...if I haven't filled you in on my ultimate goal/purpose of this Daddy Diary...I'm planning to continue this as our daughter grows up and give her these posts in the form of a book of some sort when she's old enough to read and understand them.  I'd like to request your comments on my posts, when you feel like it, of course.  If you have a post you particularly liked reading in the past, and if you read something in the future and want to offer your thoughts/insight/wisdom/questions, please comment on the blog for all to see...especially for baby to see when she gets older.  I don't think it will show how many people read each post, but I think it would be cool for my daughter to someday realize how many people are reading about her development, birth, infancy, childhood and beyond.  Part 1 of my daughter's book will wrap up with her birth, and I'll then begin the next part as I continue to document and offer commentary on her milestones in life for her to someday look back on...even long after I'm gone, I'm hoping she'll enjoy reading her dad's words, and comments her friends and family members have made along the way as she grows.  Thanks for your help with this project!!!  Hell...when this Daddy Diary starts bringing in the $millions for us...I'll split it with you!!!  ;)

And so with that...I'll wrap up this post.  We will have our neighbors over for a chili cook-off this saturday at our house for a big shindig.  We'll try to keep Laura away from the super spicy chili...I've heard spicy foods help with bringing on labor...though I don't know if there's any truth to that!  At some point this weekend, I'm sure we'll try to start assembling our "Go bag" so we'll be ready to head to the hospital when the time is ready.  We'll also be attending my grandpa's 90th birthday party on sunday.  I'm not certain, but our baby girl would be his 5th great-grandchild...I'm looking forward to our girl meeting him soon...but not too soon!!!!

As always, thanks for reading my Daddy Diary.  I hope you've enjoyed it.  But most importantly, thank you so much for the great thoughts/kind words/well-wishing and/or prayers you keep sending our way...we greatly appreciate your support!  Take care!

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