Sunday, March 31, 2013

Checked in...for the second time today!


We are now in our hospital room and ready to have our baby!!! I hope you enjoy reading this last entry of my Daddy Diary before I actually become a the near future!!! My next entry will mark the start of a new chapter in our lives and in this blog!

On our way in to church this morning, Laura slipped on some ice and fell to her knee. After sitting in church for an hour, she was stiffening up and had trouble getting in to the car. After brunch, she was more sore. We went home and tried taking naps, but she couldn't lie on the floor without a lot of pain in her lower back and pelvis so I called into the birth center. They told us to come in for a check to see if everything was alright with baby. They hooked Laura up to some monitoring for the baby, and after an hour they said she was good to go home because there was no contractions and the baby looked great.

So we left and headed to Granny's to catches the tail end of Easter dinner with everyone. After a short visit we headed for home. I took Lexi for a walk and fed her while Laura headed for the couch and I headed out side to scoop up a front yard full of dog crap.

About 20 minutes into my favorite hobby, Laura opened the window and asked me to come in, "sweetie, I think my water broke!" She said in a whisper out the window. After the first sentence of her explaining what happened, I knew that it broke, but she still wasn't convinced. I called the birth center again. They remembered me and told us to come in.

We got into the same room with the same nurse and got hooked up again. After a couple minutes on the monitor, the nurse said "oh, you're contracting!" But Laura couldn't feel it. She did a quick test to confirm the water had broken. A few minutes after that, our doctor stopped in (she happened to be in due to working with another patient down the hall). After an uncomfortable exam with the doc, we were assured all is well. We were given the choice to begin inducing right away or to hang out for a couple hours to see what happened. We opted for waiting, so we took a short walk and are now hanging out in our room waiting for our great nurse, Monica, to come back in and hook Laura's belly back up to the monitor. Until we have some exciting news
To report, this is the final entry for the Lemke's, party of 2!!! We greatly appreciate your best thoughts, wishes and/or prayers as we start the next chapter of our lives together tonight!!! Thanks for reading my Daddy Diary and take care!

1 comment:

  1. Laura looks so cute. Great time for a photo.
    Good luck to all of you. We're impatiently waiting for Baby Girl!
    Love you guys,
    Grandma Barb
