Monday, April 11, 2016



Time flies when you have 2 kids!!! That's how the saying goes, right?!?!

Hunter has been growing and changing by the day. At his 2 month check up, he was 11lbs 15.5oz and 23.5 inches long!!! (Why don't they just round up at that point?!?!) 

He is smiling more each day and is starting to babble with some random noises/coos. He's such a bubbly little guy! Don't get me wrong, when he is pissed, he is loud and not fun to be around, but that only happens once or twice a day!!! Other than his "witching hour" around 6:30-8pm most nights, he is laid back and easy going all day long!!! He is entertained by watching Erica run around non-stop (still!!!), watching mom and dad do our every day stuff, and watching Lexi do her normal dog stuff!!! He just takes it all in!

 He's content sitting in his bouncer/recliner thing as we get dinner ready or play with Erica. He loves sitting on our laps or being held, so long as he is facing out and catching all the action!

Erica is still in love with her "baby brother" as she now calls him!  She gives him kisses, plays with his feet, helps with bath time, wipes puke off his face, and  even shares her colds with him!!! It's so great to see her in action...although she often gets in the way of us trying to do some task for Hunter, she is teaching us about patience each day...ironically, by testing it more than the day before!!!

Lexi loves Hunter! With Erica she was  very hesitant around her, was not interested in her at all, and at times was snappy...but with Hunter, she goes up to him on her own and licks his face (dried puke!) and sniffs him as she walks by every time!  I guess the little man has found his best friend already!!!

Hunter has been in daycare for a week now and has done great!!! The kids love him and Erica had loved bringing her "baby brother" with her each morning!

Erica's 3rd birthday party last week was a hit! Hunter was passed around for the whole family to hold and Erica was spoiled rotten! Her Mickey Mouse party was apparently everything she wanted and more!!!

Before I wrap this up, I must brag...he seems to really be digging his dad!!! He recognizes my voice when I walk into a room and kinda looks for me, but whenever I chat with him, he always gets the biggest smile on his he's so pumped to see me!!! It's definitely cool to see...hopefully he'll always be so excited about being with his dad!

On a related note, I attended a "Medal of Honor" foundation training was awesome and so humbling. I met a recipient of the award, shook his hand and he signed a book for me. But the biggest impact was the simple humility they shared in their stories (we watched several short videos of them as well)...they each spoke about how they did not strive to "win" the award and that they are not proud of their having it...but many used the words that they are simply "caretakers" of the award because they are holding it for all of those brave men who died and are not able to hold it!  Wow!!! Talk about bringing you back to earth and putting your own "struggles" into perspective!!! My point here is that each of the men embody a few key words that I hope to embody and Steve as a role model for my kids...leading by example...a couple of those words eere integrity, citizenship, respect...and a few others...I hope my kids judge me on those words...(I'll find the other words we looked at this morning, but those are the ones that still stand out at 1015pm on a Monday night!)...

Anyways, thanks for checking in and reading my Daddy Diary! As always...enjoy a couple of pics...

Hunter in his Easter outfit!

Erica and Hunter with Granny on a visit over daddy's spring break

Hunter's 2 month pictures!

Hunter and Erica with their great grandparents at Erica's 3rd birthday party! (granny couldn't make it as she was sick that day!) Paul, Shirley, Jean, and Frank

Erica and Hunter with great grandpa Lemke ("Papa Paul")

Lemke Family picture at Erica's 3rd birthday party

Erica and Hunter on his first day of daycare

Daddy with his 2 kids!!!


  1. Slacking-YES, but, the blog is as good as ever & worth the wait.
    Sweet update & photos.
    Enjoy Daddyhood!
    Mamma Barb
