Hearing your child's heart beat for the first time is priceless! However, straining to hear your second child's heart beat for the first time over the crying of your 2 year old is a little less moving!
We thought taking Erica with to Laura's doctor appointment last night would be a fun thing for her to do, especially knowing we would be hearing the heart beat for the first time. We were wrong! Evidently, Erica only associates the doctor's office with getting shots and hates it...and of course, I feel the same way! As soon as the doctor walked in, Erica started to squirm and cry. Once Laura hopped up on the exam table, it was all over with! Erica was a mess! Screaming and crying, "Take me out!" and pointing to the door! I wanted to stay, but the doctor thought it would be best not to traumatize her, so we stepped into the hallway, and listened for the heart beat through the propped-open door.
Hearing the rasping "thump-thump, thump-thump" was as thrilling as it was when we first heard Erica's! That sound will never get old in my mind, and I'll never forget it! According to the doctor, all is going well. Laura is progressing nicely and we are officially at the 12 week mark, which means the 1st Trimester is over, and according to most professionals, this "danger zone" of risky time for baby development is over. Laura, however, hasn't felt so good lately. She's had quite a few days in the past 2 weeks where she's been battling some nausea that seems to come at any time of day. Food sometimes sounds good, and other times she isn't hungry at all. I am happy to say, though, that she has had her first craving as a pregnant woman (including being pregnant with Erica)...ice water! Prior to baby #2, she would only drink water without ice. Nowadays, her cup is so packed full of ice, I'm amazed any water fits in it! And according to her, she can't get it cold enough! Weird! At least it isn't pickles and ice cream! Over the next few weeks, we'll be letting more friends and family know about our newest bundle of joy that's on its way, due January 23, 2016.
As for Erica, she is hilarious as usual! She is always letting her personality shine and making people laugh with the things she says and does. Her latest phrases are:
"What the heck?"
"Whaaaaaaaat?" (to show excitement and/or doubt!!!)
"Hurry up car, get out of my way!" (in traffic...and she says it perfectly every time...only when there is a car sitting still, and usually for a dumb reason!)
"Mommy, come here!"
"Where'd ______ go?!?!" (fill in the blank with anyone's name who left the room she is in)
"What's that for?" (any object, near or far, that she sees)
Of course, she says way more than this, but these are the most frequent things she says.
In a couple hours, we'll be in the car and heading to North Dakota to visit Laura's family for a few days. We'll leave when Laura is done working, so it'll be a late night for Erica. We are crossing our fingers for this trip...her schedule has been way off since this past weekend. We were in Mankato for a wedding and Erica was the flower girl, while daddy was a groomsman. Between setting up the hall on friday, the grooms dinner, pictures and the dance, she had 2 days without a normal nap, odd eating times and late bed times. I'll be honest, the past 2 days have been hell!!! She's cranky, isn't eating much, and didn't take a nap again yesterday...which may have contributed to all the tears at the doctor's office. But right now...knock on wood...she's napping! So I'm going to wrap this one up and go finish packing the car so we can hit the road and head to the farm when Laura is done working!
Thanks again for checking in on the blog, and I hope you keep coming back as the doctor's appointments will become more frequent as we progress through baby number 2! Take care and thanks for reading my Daddy Diary!
Looking forward to being a Gamma to TWO! We love Erica and wish we could spend more time with her. Distance makes that tough. Skype is good but it doesn't replace hugs and kisses. When I was there while you were gone for Avid training, she would whisper, let's go to your place. Made me smile but also surprised me, she'd been gone so much all ready. She likes action and the more the better! She goes with the flow very well. She holds this Gammas heart in her hand!!!! Gamma Cheryl loves you Erica and so does Papa Russ