Sunday, May 19, 2013

A restful week


Over the past week, Erica has been sleeping through the night!!!  Not bad for only being 6 weeks old!!!  Tomorrow, she'll be 7 weeks old!  Time flies when you're having fun!

The first night was last sunday.  We put her down around 10pm and she slept until a little after 6am!!!  Laura scared the crap out of me when she woke me up.  "Dan, did you get up with her at all last night?"  Nope...go check for a pulse!!!  If I were thinking fast enough, I would've claimed to have been up multiple times for hours on end, giving countless bottles and constant comforting en route to winning "Dad of the year" award...but it was 6am, and I'm pretty worthless until at least 8am!!! 

Since that first night, she's slept at least 7 hours all but 2 nights during the it's pretty cool!  Not that I've been the one losing sleep at 2am because of her crying, but I'm glad Laura is getting a full night's sleep again...and...I'm a little upset that my Daddy Daycare shifts this summer may not include regular 2am feedings!!!

Laura brought Erica in to school for a short visit on Thursday last week.  She had brought her in for my afternoon classes a couple of weeks before that, but this time she brought her in for my morning classes to see.  Over my prep hour we took a tour of the building and visited with a few of my close colleagues.  It was fun showing her off to people outside of our family!  The students seemed to enjoy her as well...they didn't really have a choice because any mean comment would result in an automatic "F" in my class!!!

Friday saw Erica staying with a babysitter for the first time all day...and both her and grandma loved their day together!!!  According to my mom, they played dress up at least twice, ate well from the bottle several times, went for a walk and snuggled a bit...a perfect Friday with baby, if you ask me!!!  Friday also brought on a cold for me!  Yuck!  It started with a dry, scratchy throat around dinner time, and when I woke up yesterday morning, it was a full fledged cold.  I can't stand having a sore throat!!!  And now that Erica is here, I'm even more annoyed at the prospect of passing this along to her!  I'm trying to keep my distance, but it's tough working as a team with Laura if I can't help do anything with Erica!

Last night we brought her to a school play our neighbor was in.  She slept in the chest carrier...only through the first 10 minutes, but then she started crying so I took her out...yes...for an instant, I was "that guy" with the crying baby...but I was also not "that guy" by pretending her crying wasn't happening and just letting her continue to disrupt the whole theater!!!  At least our neighbor heard her on stage and knew we were at least in the audience, if only for a bit.  I sat out and tried to feed her, but by the intermission, it was clear we needed to head home.  I think the sound effects, darkness and the loudness at times did the trick!!!

And so, here I am...wide awake at 6am on a sunday morning...after a long night of restless sleep because of this cold.  The coffee is finally done brewing, and I'm ready to tackle my school work so I don't have to ignore my girls later in the day!  The rain is falling and some thunder is rumbling in, so I better get ready to go comfort Laura...she's like a puppy...cute, but very skittish when it's thundering!!!  Thanks for reading my Daddy Diary!!!  Take care!

1 comment:

  1. I loved my babysitting duties and am looking forward to many more. It was such a joy to spend the day with Erica. Talk about a day of total happiness! To ss Lexi watch over Erica is so sweet. What a great Big Sister she is.
    Dad has been warned that when the need to tend to Erica arises, TLC is put on hold!!
    Love all 4 of you guys.
    Grandma Barb
