Monday, November 26, 2012



I FELT MY BABY MOVE!!!!  Holy crap that is the coolest thing ever!!!  In an interest to avoid posting 2 separate entries within minutes of each other, the original post is below.  After writing and sharing the following post with Laura about her feeling the baby move...she's like, "Want to feel it?!?"  So she put my hand on her stomach and told me to push down firmly...and I felt it!!!!!!!!!  That is the coolest thing ever!!!  I tried again, and then she was giggling and her stomach was heaving, but after a few more tries and a few minutes later...I felt it again!!!  It was so awesome!  The first feeling was big/significant with the following tries being a bit more faint and more subtle.  I know I wasn't feeling it's heart beat, but it was just slow, slight movements!  I'm wondering now...was it an arm, leg, chest movement, head twitching?!?!  Regardless...I'm so pumped...and I'm suddenly making a habit of saying, "it's the coolest thing ever!" at each of these milestones!!! 

The following is the original post I wrote about 30 minutes ago before I felt the baby move...


Laura told me tonight that she's "feeling something moving inside there!"  This is super exciting for us!!!  I was thinking as I finished my post last night that they were getting pretty lame there with not too much excitement happening, and that I may be boring my large audience/followers away from my Daddy Diary...sarcasm...

...but now, we have movement!  At this stage, the doctor said it may just feel like butterflies inside or normal stomach feelings but that those feelings are actually the baby.  So, no kicks at this point, but we're feeling the little critter digging around in there!!! 

This is a fun milestone for me!!!  We're only half way there, yet there's been a good handful of feelings/moments along the way that let me know I'm going to be a dad soon!  I recall our first ultrasound and could see the tinest flicker of movement from the heart beating, to the first time we heard it's heart beat.  Wow...I never understood it until I experienced it for myself...there's nothing better, and words can't describe it!!!  Even though we don't know if it's a boy or girl, it's so cool taking these small steps on the path towards birth that let us know the baby is growing and developing...and it's amazing!!!

Laura's bump is getting bigger...she's not huge by any means, but you no longer need to squint or cock your head to wonder if she's showing or not!!!  I think she's absolutely gorgeous with her "glow" and everyone from my parents to some friends we met with this past week have all commented that she's looking great!!!  She's not happy with her weight gain, which I guess is natural for a woman, but the doctor has tried to reassure and I've tried to reiterate that she is doing great and that putting on some pounds at this stage of life is perfectly normal!!!

Another moment that reminded of us of how special it is to be preparing for a baby came from our 12 year old neighbor tonight.  I help her with her homework on occassion, and she sometimes brings treats over for us to eat while we work or just for Laura and me.  These treats range from Halloween candy that she didn't like, to cookies, to my!!!  Tonight, she brought a candy cane and a beer.  "The beer is for him and the candy cane is for you, Laura, because I know it's not easy being pregnant!"  We were laughing at this hillarious observation from her, while she tried to explain and reaffirm her viewpoint, "Well, I know I wouldn't want to be puking all the time!!!"  Ohhh the innocense of kids!  Our neighbor is a very outgoing and charming little girl, with a quick wit and fun personality...I have a feeling if we have a girl, her personality will be a scary blend of Laura and myself.  Regardless, the child will have no choice but to have a sense of humor and some tough skin for all the joking and jabbing that goes on in this house.  I heard from a co-worker a long time ago that, "it's just life...don't take it too seriously!"  Though there is a time and place for seriousness, I find myself living by this phrase often, especially in my line of work.  I could write up a million office referrals and yell at kids for saying crazy things and doing weird things each day...but I get a kick out of their randomness and their awkwardness that comes with middle I just laugh and shake my head!!!

Well, until the next milestone of our pregnancy, I'll leave you with a quote I've lived by and have loved since early in my childhood that I feel wraps up the special moment today of knowing my baby is moving around and Laura can feel it..."Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery and today's a gift...that's why we call it the present!"

Thanks for reading my Daddy Diary and we appreciate your thoughts/wishes/prayers you send our way!

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