Sunday, September 23, 2012

Letting the cat out of the bag (slowly)!!!


Hey everybody...and for some of you, welcome to my Daddy Diary!  Laura and I have started to tell more people about our exciting news this weekend!!!  Laura called her grandparents last night, and I visited my grandparents this morning to tell them the news.  They were all pretty excited, though I think her grandma was just plain shocked..."ok...that's exciting" were her words!!! 

As of now, our families know...we plan to make some calls to Laura's aunts and uncles in the upcoming days when we have a spare moment (this will be a busy week for us!) in the next couple days.  Needless to say, Laura and I got a few hugs today when we told my grandparents and KeeKee!  For Laura's side, this will be the first great grandchild, while this will be the 5th great grandchild for my dad's parents, and the first for Granny!!!  Laura sent word to her aunt Brenda last night, and my parents will be letting aunt Ruth and Eleanor know by the end of the day today.

We haven't spread the word to everyone yet.  Laura and I still have some friends and coworkers that don't know, but will be finding out in the next week or two.  So for those of you that have known for a while or just found out today, we appreciate you not spreading the word via Facebook.  We'll let the rest of the world find out soon enough, but we don't want our friends and family to find out through the stupid website!!!  However, with that being said, please pass along the address to my blog to anyone you feel may be interested in following our pregnancy, or to anyone interested in knowing more about how pregnancies progress through the guy's eyes.

Laura had a rough night last night.  She came out of the shower not feeling well and vowing never to eat McDonald's again!!!  She fell asleep before 10 last night and didn't wake up until almost 10 this morning!!!  Needless to say, Lexi is providing some great training for me in taking care of a youngster without the help of mom and especially trying to do so with as little noise as possible!!!  I must say, Laura has been quite the trooper!  Her strength and endurance have been amazing!  She powers through bouts of nausea and extreme exhaustion on almost a daily basis...if it were me, I'd be rolled up in the fetal position and whining for my mom and sympathy!!!  I knew she was an amazing woman when I married her over 3 years ago, but I never knew how amazing she'd be in keeping our little baby nourished and well-taken care of during our pregnancy!  I love you, Laura Jean!

I need you all to be a witness for me and support me on this one...My grandparents said that I should take the kid hunting and give mom a needed break in the future...and Laura said "YES!!!  Go hunting often!!!"  So please, when I need someone to vouch for me, I expect you all to help me out as September comes around each year!!!  If it's a boy, I'll be so excited to take him hunting and pass along all the great BS my dad has passed along to me over the years.  If it's a girl, I'll still drag her along for a few years before she gets her own opinion!!!  Regardless, I'm just pumped to become a dad in just over 6 months away! 

Well...I think that's it for this one!  Thanks so much for reading my Daddy Diary!  For everyone reading this, whether it's your first read-along or not, Laura and I appreciate your thoughts/best wishes/prayers as we continue to look forward to our growing family!!!  Take care!

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